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Alumni Stories: Maisie Schloss (Visual Arts '09)

This interview has been lightly edited for length and clarity.

Maisie Schloss (Visual Arts, 2009年,她从很小的时候就知道自己想成为一名时装设计师,并回忆起21世纪初旧的t台视频对她的影响. 她对视觉艺术的热爱使她在大二的时候进入了学院, 在那里,她能够完全沉浸在艺术中,获得一种新的独立感和艺术自由感.

After graduation, Maisie对时装设计的热爱把她带到了纽约,在帕森斯设计学院学习. Quickly following college graduation, Maisie搬到了洛杉矶,在那里她开始为Yeezy工作,后来创办了自己的品牌 Maisie Wilen

Maisie现在是美国冉冉升起的时尚设计师协会的成员, a New York Fashion Week designer, and a Forbes 30 Under 30 artist. 自从进入学院以来,她一直在时尚界掀起波澜. 


Tell us about your time here at The Academy.

I was a Visual Arts major and I graduated in 2009. 我在大二的时候转学,这对我来说是一次很棒的经历. I felt really well served at the school; I felt connected to school in a way that I hadn’t before. 这是一个非常鼓舞人心的地方,一个有很多创造性探索和发展的地方.


It really is great at nurturing everybody individually. 每个人都有自己独特的一面,大家都欣然接受和庆祝. Compared to what a typical experience is, 很多人都有远见和方向,而且很喜欢在别人身上看到这些, and that was so great.

What’s life been like since The Academy?

After The Academy, I went to Parsons to study Fashion Design. I lived in New York, including my time in school, for 6 years. 在搬到洛杉矶之前,我在那里做过几份工作,在那里我开始在Yeezy工作,并最终推出了自己的品牌. It’s been great. 我去学院的时候就知道我想成为一名时装设计师,我一直坚持自己的道路, 所以很高兴我能够一如既往地追求这个目标. 我在洛杉矶已经7年了,一直在学习艺术和设计,或者直接从事这方面的工作.


尤其是艺术培训——即使是在帕森斯,理论上他们是有选择性的,我用了一个作品集来申请——我觉得自己非常领先. 我觉得自己做得很好,不仅学到了一些技术技能,而且创造性地理解了如何开发一个概念. 我觉得在我进入大学之前,我已经有了一些艺术学院的经验. 对我来说,比起那些上传统高中的同学,这绝对是一个更容易、更无缝的过渡. I just had a headstart when going in there. 

The Academy really allows you to be so independent. I feel like, at traditional high schools, your whole life is tied to this one little bubble, whereas [at The Academy] you’re given a really long leash, and everyone really has an independent life. 当你过渡到大学时,你的独立性会有所帮助. 比起那些来自真正有组织、有组织的环境的人来说,这不是一种文化冲击. That freedom is what helped me feel so comfortable at school.


I run on a pretty atypical fashion schedule where I show a little less than most people; I show twice a year, 也就是说每六个月我就会有一个全新的系列. 全息图秀(2022秋冬系列)是与雅虎合作的, which enabled me to have a super high-tech element. Honestly, I learned most of it as I was going. They were just like: “Hey, 我们有很酷的技术,可以捕捉全息图”,我就说, “Cool. I want to do that. I absolutely want to do that.“那是他们在洛杉矶的一个疯狂的工作室,我想在这个绿幕室周围有150台摄像机——看起来太酷了. It was more of a film shoot than anything I had ever done before. We had the models sort of acting – we had one girl fake cry, and we had some girls laugh at the camera. Giving that type of direction was just brand new, too. 这是一次独特的经历,绝对是一种展示服装的新方式. 

在我的作品中,一个共同的主题是考虑科技如何影响人们对服装的看法以及服装的创作. I think that’s because, 作为一个从2000年代开始关注时尚的人, my relationship with it was always very digital. I was looking at old shows on the computer and on blogs and stuff. And of course now, 社交媒体是我们看待时尚和营销的主要方式, people see each other wearing clothes, 服装的数字共享是它诞生的一个重要因素. I like to think about how the design can be manipulated that way.

What are you working on right now?

This work never has a down season. 我总是在开发下一个系列的同时,制作我刚刚为大规模生产和分销销售的产品. 我将在二月份准备一个新系列……我应该比现在做得更好, but I’m working on it, so it’s fine.  我要和Keds合作了,这让我很兴奋. It’s been a long time in the making. 我们一起发布了4双运动鞋,它们最终将上市销售, and we are going to have a big party to celebrate. That’s the next big thing on the horizon.

Maisie’s collaboration with Keds was released on November 18th. Check out the one-of-a-kind collection here:


For the incoming freshman: embrace the freedom and independence you can have at The Academy. It will help creatively; it will give you such a strong identity.

For the outgoing seniors: 尽量把那种(自由和独立)带在身边, 在你继续前进的过程中,试着保持真正的创新精神.